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I'm unable to access the webpage on which the study packs are located, if anyone can help me in gaining access to these it would be much appreciated. Attached is a screen capture of the error message I get when I click the link from PJW's post.

Thanks in advance,


[Image: irse_access_denied_zps1be14ec9.png]
Note that all the official Study Pack is from 2014 made available by the IRSE on the members' area of; if you are having difficulties accessing this please contact with the IRSE. I think you may have been attempting to download from a Dropbox link on which I had placed the Mod 2 Study Pack

(11-08-2014, 04:32 PM)DPH Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,

I'm unable to access the webpage on which the study packs are located, if anyone can help me in gaining access to these it would be much appreciated. Attached is a screen capture of the error message I get when I click the link from PJW's post.

Thanks in advance,

(11-08-2014, 08:42 PM)PJW Wrote: [ -> ]Note that all the official Study Pack is from 2014 made available by the IRSE on the members' area of; if you are having difficulties accessing this please contact with the IRSE. I think you may have been attempting to download from a Dropbox link on which I had placed the Mod 2 Study Pack

Thanks for your response PJW. Would I need to apply for Associate Membership do access this material?

Thanks again,
(12-08-2014, 07:56 AM)DPH Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for your response PJW. Would I need to apply for Associate Membership do access this material?

Thanks again,

That is a good question which I do not know the answer to - the qualifying criteria for entering the exam is a level of membership, but anyone registered with the IRSE site (using the register option) can log in and I think, access the material, but I do not know what the qualifying criteria are for being able to register with the site. Probably best to speak to the IRSE office.

(12-08-2014, 08:45 PM)Peter Wrote: [ -> ]That is a good question which I do not know the answer to - the qualifying criteria for entering the exam is a level of membership, but anyone registered with the IRSE site (using the register option) can log in and I think, access the material, but I do not know what the qualifying criteria are for being able to register with the site. Probably best to speak to the IRSE office.


Thanks Peter, I shall contact them and see what the deal is,


I am having the same problem, can you please post your findings?


(13-08-2014, 04:01 PM)ERD14 Wrote: [ -> ]Dave

I am having the same problem, can you please post your findings?



Hi Ross

Sorry for the late reply. The IRSE say you have to be a full paying member in order to access the study packs, ie: Associate/Member/Fellow etc. Which is a bit of a let down really as I'm sure people would learn a great deal from the material.
(20-08-2014, 07:25 AM)DPH Wrote: [ -> ]
(13-08-2014, 04:01 PM)ERD14 Wrote: [ -> ]Dave

I am having the same problem, can you please post your findings?



Hi Ross

Sorry for the late reply. The IRSE say you have to be a full paying member in order to access the study packs, ie: Associate/Member/Fellow etc. Which is a bit of a let down really as I'm sure people would learn a great deal from the material.

I think that the thing is that the IRSE require you to be paying a subscription- which indeed you need to be doing to be eligible to register to sit the exam. You surely do NOT need to have full corporate (voting) Membership. The former grade of Student membership has been combined with others and renamed and I certainly believe that
this gives the required access- if not this is obviously rediculous and must surely be a mistake and if you tell me this is the case then I'll bring to relevant people's attention!