I understand that the IRSE is considering making some changes to the 2010 DVD for future years.
It would be helpful to know the good and bad things about the current version.
The truth is no one really knows:
a) what use is made of which parts of it
b) whether used by individuals studying alone or by groups of people working together or in groups led by a more experienced engineer
c) predominantly within the UK or more abroad
d) how much in conjunction with other referenced material or whether as a prime source of information.
I hope that this is a chance to collect some user feedback.......
Here are my feedback:-
a) what use is made of which pats of it?
- i used the past paper section to get a copy of all the relevant exam papers, a general flick through of the information provided (i had previous study pack versions).
b) whether used by individuals studying alone or by groups of people working together or in groups led by a more experienced engineer
-individual study with guidance form this forum.
c) predominantly within the UK or more abroad
-UK - LU based
d) how much in conjunction with other referenced material or whether as a prime source of information.
-firstly the DVD is sent too late in the year (i think i got mine by June) by that time i have already made notes from other sources. I used IRSE books (borrowed from IET library), papers and IRSE news articles to obtain broad information. The information within the study packs for modules 5 & 7 is fairly brief and does not cover new technologies.
As Im looking to start Module 2 I had a look at the doc PJW has written which is an incredibly valuable source of information. However there was a section on aspect sequencing in there which correct me if Im wrong should have been in the module 3 stuff. Wish I had seen that before.
I have used all the past papers and belive they should include all layouts and exams from 97-2010
For those attempting control tables there seems to very little indepth literature available apart from the docs that PJW given freely through the forum and the OS Nock book. Unless you had access to NR rail standards it would be impossible to learn Interlocking Priciples and control tables from the IRSE DVD alone. Having seen the depth of knowledge PJW has imparted in Modules 2 if I was about to study module 3 I would have expected the same...but this is not the case. It is only through the forum can you expect to gain the knowledge if self-studying and again the majority of that is provided by PJW and Peter M. The IRSE books are little outdated too. But the onus is on the individual to go out and source other material ..... if module 3 was of the standard of module 2 plus the forum you'd be onto a winner. Im very thankful for all the help I have received and the forum is the most important facet for an individual on a self study program
(07-10-2010, 02:00 PM)merlin89 Wrote: [ -> ]I have used all the past papers and believe they should include all layouts and exams from 97-2010
When I did the Mod 2 Study Pack it had I think at least ten years worth of both mod 2 mainline and mod 3 papers from 1997 (the earliest that I could access) until whatever was then the latest (think 2008 but may have been 2007). Also all the Metro papers for the same period that I could find, but some were missing as no one seemed to have any copies.
I had expected IRSE to add the new papers every year of issue of the Study DVD but since I don't actually get sent a Study DVD myself I don't know what they actually do; can you tell me?
Think I have heard that for each year they add they then delete one; if this is the case then this is far from helpful as I have written the main text to defer to bits of the various layouts for specific features / examples. By taking away the referenced material they are effectively making that part meaningless and a wste of my time having written in the first place
Quote:As Im looking to start Module 2 I had a look at the doc PJW has written which is an incredibly valuable source of information. However there was a section on aspect sequencing in there which correct me if Im wrong should have been in the module 3 stuff. Wish I had seen that before
At time mod 3 StudyPack written, aspect sequence was part of module 2 and therefore was not in the mod 3 Study Pack.
When I later wrote mod 2 Stusy Pack then I decided additionally to include aspect sequence charts (so it was at least somewhere rather than nowhere); sorry that you had not realised this.
Of course if the IRSE integrates all the separate Mod Study packs properly into a combined Study DVD then it could be cross referenced by hyperlink; I'd have at least have expected a note within the Mod 3 portion that aspect sequence could be found in mod 2 portion- from what you are saying then this never happened......I guess that all the Study DVD actually consists of are the separate CD-ROMs just contained separately on the one DVD?
Do we know yet if there is any M4 or M6 material available ?
(16-12-2010, 10:43 PM)nicklawford Wrote: [ -> ]Do we know yet if there is any M4 or M6 material available ?
Doesn't sound like it.
I was pretty sure that some 18 months ago in IRSE News there was a short piece about the progress on producing this- I went to look it up so I knew who to contact to find out, but I couldn't find it at all. Seem to think it was at the foot of a page on which there was some YM and / or Exam related content- now I am wondering if I dreamt it!
Anyone else feel like trawling through back numbers and let me know I missed it / think where else I may have seen it written- I am sure that I didn't imagine it completely.
Making a list of Telecomms related articles per magasine issue (not too many I fear but certainly not as rare as they once were) whilst doing so would be a useful and then adding to this site would be a public spirited activity.
(17-12-2010, 12:35 AM)PJW Wrote: [ -> ] (16-12-2010, 10:43 PM)nicklawford Wrote: [ -> ]Do we know yet if there is any M4 or M6 material available ?
Doesn't sound like it.
I was pretty sure that some 18 months ago in IRSE News there was a short piece about the progress on producing this- I went to look it up so I knew who to contact to find out, but I couldn't find it at all. Seem to think it was at the foot of a page on which there was some YM and / or Exam related content- now I am wondering if I dreamt it!
Anyone else feel like trawling through back numbers and let me know I missed it / think where else I may have seen it written- I am sure that I didn't imagine it completely.
Making a list of Telecomms related articles per magasine issue (not too many I fear but certainly not as rare as they once were) whilst doing so would be a useful and then adding to this site would be a public spirited activity.
I had a contact that either yourself and/or Colin Porter advised me maybe some 18 months ago and after contact it was my understanding the target was completing some material for mid 2010 for inclusion in Study Pack those taking 2011 exams.
Email to that contact - the only contact route I had - bounce back as unknown user name.
I will take a look at listing IRSE News telecomm items although myself being a relatively recent member my archives don't go back more than about 2.5 years.
(07-10-2010, 07:24 AM)PJW Wrote: [ -> ]I understand that the IRSE is considering making some changes to the 2010 DVD for future years.
It would be helpful to know the good and bad things about the current version.
The truth is no one really knows:
a) what use is made of which parts of it
b) whether used by individuals studying alone or by groups of people working together or in groups led by a more experienced engineer
c) predominantly within the UK or more abroad
d) how much in conjunction with other referenced material or whether as a prime source of information.
I hope that this is a chance to collect some user feedback.......
I have used study pack 2010. it is very helpful for me and i am preparing for module 3, 2011
with regards
Sarvesh kumar