The ondon Study group has decided to devote one of its meetings (probably the first week of August) to undertaking a timed Mod7 exam and another meeting (probably the first week of September) to undertaking a Mod1 exam. The idea is that at the end of the session each of the answers of a student will be given to another student who will review and give some feedback at the following week's session.
If anyone who isn't already on the relevant email list would wish to take part in either / both and can arrange to attend the Victoria area at 17:00 (tend to meet on a Wed or Thurs) then get in touch.
Similarly if anyone who cannot attend but would also would like to participate "long distance" then similarly get in touch. I can arrange to send the mock paper to you one week prior so that you can sit it in your own time and return your efforts by the time of the event; I'll then in return send you some answers to review for you to send me your feedback comments within the next week and then follow up with comments made on your answers in return.
Alternatively if there is a group of you at a site who can get together, then it might be even better for you to sit the mock together and then interchange your answers amongst yourselves locally and perhaps then post your answers and comment on the forum subsequently. Again if interested in working that way, get in touch.
Don't forget that one of the primary reasons peopl fail the exam is that they do not practice and get experience of what it is like to attempt questions in examination conditions. I am suggesting a mitigation to this well known "failure mode".
If anyone who isn't already on the relevant email list would wish to take part in either / both and can arrange to attend the Victoria area at 17:00 (tend to meet on a Wed or Thurs) then get in touch.
Similarly if anyone who cannot attend but would also would like to participate "long distance" then similarly get in touch. I can arrange to send the mock paper to you one week prior so that you can sit it in your own time and return your efforts by the time of the event; I'll then in return send you some answers to review for you to send me your feedback comments within the next week and then follow up with comments made on your answers in return.
Alternatively if there is a group of you at a site who can get together, then it might be even better for you to sit the mock together and then interchange your answers amongst yourselves locally and perhaps then post your answers and comment on the forum subsequently. Again if interested in working that way, get in touch.
Don't forget that one of the primary reasons peopl fail the exam is that they do not practice and get experience of what it is like to attempt questions in examination conditions. I am suggesting a mitigation to this well known "failure mode".