Have yet to determine which two modules we'll cover for the 2013 exam. Original idea was to attempt module 2 with CBTC solution, but that now seems ambitious, so minded to defer until the SSR ATC has achieved greater maturity so that it can serve as a basis.
Probably will do module 1, quite possibly keeping to the Tuesday evening 17:00 - 19:00 slot. We'll have some 6-8 weeks off and then make a gentle start before Christmas.
If interested in attending or indeed volunteering to lead some sessions, contact me.
It may be possible to offer some assistance to others further afield prepared to keep pace with us through the various topics during the year. So if you've struggled previously with mod 1 (or have yet to attempt but are daunted) again let me know and I'll see what we can do to incorporate you into a wider group. This will not however be a "one way" feed; the advantage comes from a Study Group when people participate actively. Obviously distance will limit the extent that this is practicable, but we'll do what we can.
Probably will do module 1, quite possibly keeping to the Tuesday evening 17:00 - 19:00 slot. We'll have some 6-8 weeks off and then make a gentle start before Christmas.
If interested in attending or indeed volunteering to lead some sessions, contact me.
It may be possible to offer some assistance to others further afield prepared to keep pace with us through the various topics during the year. So if you've struggled previously with mod 1 (or have yet to attempt but are daunted) again let me know and I'll see what we can do to incorporate you into a wider group. This will not however be a "one way" feed; the advantage comes from a Study Group when people participate actively. Obviously distance will limit the extent that this is practicable, but we'll do what we can.